More Black Friday News  

Posted by Rob Barton

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More like Cyber Monday news, really. Cyber Monday, the Monday after Thanksgiving and the unofficial kickoff to the online holiday shopping season, posted sales for online retailers that were up 15%. This marks the largest increase since statistics were started six years ago. The naysayers in the drive-by's claimed that the 3% increase for brick and mortar stores could only amount to a poor fourth quarter for retailers. I guess that what they don't realize is that all brick and mortar stores now have an online component, and some sales are siphoned off of the stores through the website. It's kind of like when you squeeze a balloon. The air(money) runs from one end of the balloon (brick and mortar stores) and goes to the other end (websites), while the actual air inside the balloon has not changed.

See Also:
MSM distorts Black Friday figures

So, who was right about Black Friday?
I am still predicting a holly, jolly Christmas for smart retailers.

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